Shicheng Hotel

| No.279 Xinhua Middle Road, Мианянь, Китай

Сравни цены и выбери гостиницу сразу на 100+ порталах бронирования, всегда самая лучшая цена!

Фотографии отеля


The Shicheng Hotel (Shicheng Dajiudian) is a business hotel located in Jiangyou city. The hotel features a combination of modern architecture and Libai poem culture (Libai was a famous poet in Tang dynasty). The reception hall is beautifully decorated with calligraphy and paintings by famous artists.

Карта расположения

Shicheng Hotel, Мианянь  - Карта расположения



с 14:00

Дата отъезда

до 12:00

Возможности гостиницы
