Rennhotel am Nurburgring
Фотографии отеля
The hotel has a total of 9 rooms (of which 8 are double rooms). You can also leave your car in the hotel's secure car park. The hotel provides Internet access in the rooms and public areas (WLAN free). Use the hotel's free car park from the moment you arrive. Our room service team will be happy to meet your every wish. The rooms benefit from cable television and telephones. If you wish to require a cot, please indicate this when booking. All bathrooms are naturally equipped with a hairdryer. Your room also has a safe. Use the hotel's rental bicycles to get to know the locality! In the evening we will welcome you to the hotel bar. A bistro is available for light snacks. In the hotel there is also a pleasant wine/beer pub with an outside terrace. Business hours of reception: Every day: from 07:00 to 12:00 and from 16:00 to 19:00 .
Карта расположения
с 16:00
Дата отъезда
до 12:00
Возможности гостиницы
Высокоскоростной Интернет, Комнаты для Некурящих, Холодильник, Кабельное / Спутниковое Телевещание, Кухня, Фен, Телевизор, Детская кроватка, Душ
Развлечения и
Обслуживание Номеров, Торговые Автоматы, Хранение Багажа, Служба безопасности и видеонаблюдение в общественных местах, Доступ в Интернет (беспроводной), Телефакс, Письменный Стол, Сад, Услуги прачечной, Сейф, Конференц-центр(ы), Бизнес-Центр
Парковка, Бесплатная Парковка