Hunter Valley Bed & Breakfast

| 1443 Wine Country Drive, North Rothbury, Ротбери (Австралия), Австралия

Сравни цены и выбери гостиницу сразу на 100+ порталах бронирования, всегда самая лучшая цена!

Фотографии отеля


The Hunter Valley Bed & Breakfast is located in Rothbury, New South Wales. Area attractions accessible from the property include the Monahan Estate, the Wandin Valley Estate, the Madigan Vineyard, and the Ogishi Craft Center. The Hunter Valley Bed & Breakfast offers accommodation units that feature modern conveniences. Each unit has a private entrance. Room amenities include en-suites, air conditioners, televisions, radio alarm clocks, coffee makers, and free Internet access. The Hunter Valley Bed & Breakfast offers amenities that fit for both leisure and business travelers. It serves a breakfast on weekends and has a veranda that allows guests for a nice sunset view. Staying at the property also gives opportunity to guests to see kangaroos, kookaburras, and cockatoos that frequent the area.

Карта расположения

Hunter Valley Bed & Breakfast, Ротбери (Австралия)  - Карта расположения



с 14:00

Дата отъезда

до 11:00

Возможности гостиницы

  • Общие

    Высокоскоростной Интернет, Кондиционер, Кофеварка / Чайник, Телевизор, Собственная Ванная и Туалет, Отдельная Ванная Комната, Лояльное Отношение к Лицам Нетрадиционной Сексуальной Ориентации

  • Сервисы

    Доступ в Интернет (беспроводной)
