Golden Swallow Hotel

| 188 Nanqu Road, Чунцин, Китай

Сравни цены и выбери гостиницу сразу на 100+ порталах бронирования, всегда самая лучшая цена!

Фотографии отеля


Chongqing Nankai Secondary School is within a 20 minute drive from the Golden Swallow Hotel. Under 10 minutes drive away are some great tourist destinations such as the Chaotianmen Bridge, and conveniently there is complimentary parking available at the Golden Swallow Hotel should you need it. The hotel's staff will be happy to assist in organising and booking tours and activities during your stay in Chongqing, as well as give dining recommendations. Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport (CKG) is within a 50 minute drive from the hotel. A walk to the city centre will take about 20 minutes.

Карта расположения

Golden Swallow Hotel, Чунцин  - Карта расположения



с 14:00

Дата отъезда

до 12:00

Возможности гостиницы

  • Общие

    Высокоскоростной Интернет

  • Сервисы

    Обслуживание Номеров

  • Транспорт

    Парковка, Бесплатная Парковка
