
| Rua Triunfo 38, Рио-де-Жанейро, Бразилия

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Фотографии отеля


The Castelinho38 guest house is located in Rio de Janeiro, in the heart of the bohemian neighbourhood Santa Teresa, in a fabulous castle where the architectural beauty is combined with the enchanting surrounding nature. The castle, built in 1866, is an example of eclectic architecture in Rio de Janeiro and features huge indoor and outdoor spaces with high ceilings, wooden floors and a tropical garden with mango, jaca, guava, lime and banana trees, creating the ideal atmosphere for couples, families and groups, either on holiday or business trips. The Castelinho38 guest house amenities include bar & restaurant with terrace, TV room, lounge with puffs and Internet Point, wireless Internet connection, body and mind activities such as shiatsu massages, acupuncture therapy, yoga and pilates, outdoor play area for children, one meeting hall for seminars and exhibitions and a souvenir shop.

Карта расположения

Castelinho38, Рио-де-Жанейро  - Карта расположения



с 14:00

Дата отъезда

до 11:00

Возможности гостиницы

  • Общие

    Высокоскоростной Интернет, Консьерж, Многоязычный Персонал

  • Сервисы

    Обслуживание Номеров
