Best Eastern Pleskov Hotel

| Pechki Village, Псков, Россия

Сравни цены и выбери гостиницу сразу на 100+ порталах бронирования, всегда самая лучшая цена!

Фотографии отеля


The Pleskov hotel is situated about 30 km from the center of Pskov in the pine forest on the bank of the Pskovskoe Lake. Virgin nature; fresh air; the pine forest; shiny surface of the lake and beach will relax you after the stress of town life. Closeness to the city makes the Hotel attractive for business tourists and people who come to the area for sightseeing. We provide your children with a children program which is why our hotel is ideal for a family break. You can be accommodated in a small room; spacious family house or comfortable cottage. The Hotel offer high quality accommodation and perfect restaurant service. PKV-Pskov 18 mi W

Карта расположения

Best Eastern Pleskov Hotel, Псков  - Карта расположения



с 12:00

Дата отъезда

до 12:00

Возможности гостиницы

  • Общие

    Высокоскоростной Интернет, Телевизор, Семейные Номера

  • Развлечения и


  • Сервисы

    Конференц-Залы, Письменный Стол, Телефон с прямым набором
