Tranquilo Backpackers
From Parque Morazán 250 meters North 7th Street between 9th and 11th Avenue Yellow house to the right
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Pension de la Cuesta B&B
Avenida 1, Calle 11 y 15 50 metros oeste del registro civil
21 отзывы
Nomadas Backpackers
From Coffee Shop Te Conte in Rohrmoser 100 Mts North and 25 Mts West
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In&Basic Hostel Lounge
200 m South and 75 m west of Spoon Los Yoses Fatima's Church North Side
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Guest home Bed & Breakfast Hostel San Jose
450 mts. al Norte de la Toyota de Paseo Colon Cl 36 entre Avenida 7 y 9
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Gaudy's Backpacker Hostel
Del Banco de Costa Rica en Paseo Colon 200 Mts. Norte, 150 Mts. Este, casa 3636
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