Hotel & Casino Costa Rica Morazan
Avenida 1 Calle 7, 50 metros Al Sur Del Parquet Morazan
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Hotel Capital San Jose
4th. Street Between Ave. 3 y 5 - 25 Meters North Side from National Bank
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Hotel Casa Leon
Avenue 6, Streets 13-15, 50 meters Northeast of the Clinic Drs. Echandi
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Hotel Colaye
one block west and 2 block south from the controlaria, Sabana Sur, Calle Morenos
31 отзывы
Hotel del Este Santa Fe
Avenida 8 Calle 3 y 5 Del Teatro Nacional 300m Sur y 25 Este
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Hotel Kekoldi San Jose
Ave 9 Entre Calles 5 y 7 Daigonal al INVU, Barrio Amon
36 отзывы